Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 RECAP!

thanks to 2011, I want to thank my family and friends surrounding me who taught me so many things and looked out for me. I've learned and experienced the great&horrible adventures. I would never forget the most memorable 2011. It is time for me to step the new chapter of life for 2012! Hope 2012 is gonna be much better! <3
it was a new year 2011 <3

strawberry mochi

mommy's restaurant <3 

tough experience on the stage for miss. pageant

my first sign n run <3

kbbq kickback

LSP party

thanks for being my friends! i love you girlss


mommy taught me so many things and treats me in the proper ways. shes always been the best mom in the world

enjoyed to work with you as an employee, miss you

thanks june. dang $$$

like my baby sisterr

welcome to aunt's new home, we treat you really well <3

great opportunity. awesome buddies. KMCC ROCKS

stop being the king, its my birthday

thanks for the surprises! especially the poster you made! great memory!



oh i love my roommates!~

we have been through our hardships, but we can do it! hwaitingg!

its time for girls outing!

hiking, good excerise

my first carving pumpkin

friendbam bam!

registration committee/volunteers

ashley's birthday

the first friend that i'vd cried with. <3
shes a good friend of mine even though we hadnt seen each other for 2 years. whoo 2011!

the most memorable filming. 

the whiteass roommates

bye 2011, hello 2012 <3

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