Sunday, January 22, 2012

adventure, without it, why live?

my winter break is absolutely an open-eyeing experience! it is definitely much better than my last summer break. (: several things change in life surrounding me and myself.  i am so thankful to have friends to let me to explore new experiences and learn a lot of things what they had been through as what my situations were in. so i hope to explore more new things to experience during spring semester. I'm willing to face SOME challenges. Like I watched action movies, i put my hands away from my face or stay my eyes open. :D  no no no scary movie, I am still scared. :p
life has a way of changing things in incredible ways.

shes always been my bitch

my pooh

my most favorite mexican boys

spy michelle garica :D

you should go!

happy bday moi!~

arrived the top, successfully

korean friendship bell

first latino friend

my ADHD friend <3

mexican buffet!~

The only joy in the world is to begin.